- Mr Black was a man of cast iron will. 布莱克先生是个意志坚定的人。
- The wound stator core is press fit into a cast iron housing for true and positive alignment as well as efficient heat transfer. 盘绕的定子核心被压铸进铸铁外壳内,不但保证真正的、绝对的校准,还保证高效的热传递。
- A cast iron flange with three adjustable screws will conveniently hold a crown thermocouple. 一个铸铁轮缘有三个可调的螺钉;便于控制炉顶热电偶的位置.
- Using a system based on a cast iron melting furnace, we have established technology for vitrifying waste such as incinerated ash, casing ash, etc. 采用以铸铁熔炉为原型的系统,确立了焚烧后灰烬,铸铁沙粒等废弃物的熔融固化技术。
- The wound stator core is press fit into a cast iron housing for true and positive alignment as well as efficient heat transfer . 盘绕的定子核心被压铸进铸铁外壳内,不但保证真正的、绝对的校准,还保证高效的热传递。
- Type ECKZ is a sprag type freewheels bearing supported and self-contained in a cast iron housing.Standard lubrication is oil. ECKZ系列为箱体式楔块型单向离合器,有轴承及油封,装于铸铁制作的外壳中,油润滑方式为标准方式。
- Alloy indefinite chilled rolls is a cast iron roll with fine intercrystalline graphite evenly distributed throughout the working layer of rollbarrel. 合金无限冷硬铸铁轧辊,其工作层中有细晶间石墨。
- Gray cast iron. A cast iron alloyed with silicon in which the graphite exists in the form of flakes. A fractured surface appears gray. 灰铸铁:一种用硅合金化的铸铁,其石墨以片状存在。断面呈灰色。
- Laila sees a pair of sleeping cots now, a wooden table, two chairs, a cast iron stove in the corner, shelves along the walls, on which sit clay pots and pans, a blackened teakettle, cups and spoons. 这时莱拉看见两个床铺,一张木头桌子。两张椅子,角落里摆着一个铁炉,墙壁上钉着架子,上面摆着几个陶罐和平底锅,一把黑色的茶壶,一些杯子和勺子。
- Mr. Black was a man of cast iron will. 布莱克先生是个意志坚定的人。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron. 人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。
- The vet put a cast on the dog's leg. 兽医给小狗大打上石膏,
- Creep autocast Heal heals12 hp a cast not15. 野外生物施展的治愈法术每次治愈12点生命而不是15点。
- How do I get the properties of a cast member? 怎样得到一个演员表成员属性?
- For details, please see a Cast Member. 详情请询问服务人员。
- The type of a cast may be a parameterized type. 强制转换的类型可以是参数化类型。
- A cast alloy steel 0Cr18Ni5Mo3 is designed. 设计了OCr18Ni5Mo3铸造合金钢。
- He made a cast with a fishing line. 他抛下了鱼线。
- Fanlin Nodular Cast Iron Pipe Co., Led. 龙口市泛林球墨铸铁管有限公司。